miguelbalboa / rfid

Arduino RFID Library for MFRC522
The Unlicense
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RFID_with_LCD #420

Closed st21schaefera closed 6 years ago

st21schaefera commented 6 years ago

AccessControl with LCD

| Bug fix? |no | New feature? | yes - This code is basically the same as AccessControl, except adds a 16x2 LCD to the mix. Much of the Serial output has been commented out because I use a program - CoolTerm, to read the Arduino Serial output. It then stores this information to a .txt file, where, if there are any issues, I can go back, and see cards read, and if they were known or not. I changed the LED portion of code to where the blue light acts as a power light, the Red LED acts as information - the door is locked, and Green LED - the door is unlocked. The LCD reads out basic information - Welcome, or Access Denied. It also tells you if the MFRC522 is disconnected. One problem I had adding the 16x2 LCD, is that it would lock up after each card scan, making it unusable until the Arduino was reset. I added a reset that reset code after each scan, but not noticeable to the user. The door locks after the reset, ensuring the user gets in, and door locks after they go in. An Arduino Mega was required, as the LCD needed lots of pins.
| Doc update? | no | Deprecations? | no

Rotzbua commented 6 years ago

Thanks. Wont merge because you wrote it is basically, it is a duplicate of the existing example. Moved to Wiki: https://github.com/miguelbalboa/rfid/wiki/Example:-AccessControl-with-LCD

If you disagree with the wiki solution, just delete the wiki site.