miguelcobain / ember-yeti-table

Yeti Table
MIT License
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You attempted to update `[]` on `<Array:ember652>`, but it had already been used previously in the same computation. #441

Open adambedford opened 3 years ago

adambedford commented 3 years ago

I'm running into an error when the table changes at all, including when the component destroys on transition. Here's the full error:

Uncaught (in promise) Error: Assertion Failed: You attempted to update `[]` on `<Array:ember652>`, but it had already been used previously in the same computation.  Attempting to update a value after using it in a computation can cause logical errors, infinite revalidation bugs, and performance issues, and is not supported.

`[]` was first used:

- While rendering:

Stack trace for the update:
    at dirtyTagFor (validator.js:544)
    at markObjectAsDirty (index.js:546)
    at notifyPropertyChange (index.js:584)
    at arrayContentDidChange (index.js:694)
    at replaceInNativeArray (index.js:759)
    at replace (index.js:736)
    at removeAt (array.js:87)

And here's the table template:

<YetiTable @loadData={{perform this.loadData}}
           class="table" as |table|>
  <table.header as |header|>
    <header.column @prop="createdAt" @sort="desc" as |column|>
      <Tables::SortIndicator @column={{column}} />
    <header.column @prop="name" as |column|>
      <Tables::SortIndicator @column={{column}} />
    <header.column @prop="owner.firstNameAndLastInitial">
      Uploaded By
    <header.column @prop="file.url" />

  <table.body as |body fileUpload|>
    <body.row as |row|>
        {{moment-from-now fileUpload.createdAt}}
        <a href={{fileUpload.file.url}}>Download</a>

  <table.tfoot as |foot|>
    <foot.row as |row|>
      <row.cell colspan={{table.visibleColumns.length}}>
        <Tables::Pagination @table={{table}} />

  {{#if table.isLoading}}
      <td colspan={{table.visibleColumns.length}}>
        <div class="text-center">
          <LoadingIndicator />

Data fetching task looks like this:

*loadData({paginationData, sortData, filterData}) {
  yield timeout(250)

  const sortBy = sortData.map(sortAttrs => {
    const direction = sortAttrs.direction === 'desc' ? '-': ''
    return `${direction}${sortAttrs.prop}`

  const records = yield this.store.query('file-upload', {
    include: 'owner',
    filter: {
      linked_to: this.args.linkedTo,
      name: filterData.filter
    sort: sortBy,
    page: {
      number: paginationData.pageNumber,
      size: paginationData.pageSize
  this.totalRows = records.meta['record-count']
  return records

Basically, I followed the Async data loading tutorial and have been running into this error from the beginning. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated!

hbrysiewicz commented 3 years ago

Can you put together a ember-twiddle of your example not working? First things I see are that @pageSize={{20}} should either be @pageSize={{someProperty}} or @pageSize=20. But it would be easier to help if you had an example of the error in a small repo, jsbin, or ember-twiddle.