migueldeicaza / SwiftGodot

New Godot bindings for Swift
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Export Swift Documentation to Godot Documentation #498

Open migueldeicaza opened 4 weeks ago

migueldeicaza commented 4 weeks ago

Would be nice to turn Swift inline api docs to docs that can be surfaced to Godot.

Joseph says:

The swift doc system works by extracting the symbol graph (a massive JSON blob) from a package/module/etc - and then post-processes it into a smaller blob of JSON that it displays in its single-page VueJS app (the docc-renderer). I don’t know the inputs to Godot’s documentation system, but going from the symbolgraph would be the path to get the information from the source. I think there’s just recently been improvements in handling extracting symbols from binary targets (Rauhul was fixing something related to C++ symbols not appearing and overhauled some bits in SwiftPM) - but I don’t know where that’s sitting in the swift6 release or main branches. In 5.10, the optimal path would be to have the source available for generation like this.