[x] Generate a key and put in Secure Enclave - while I can do this, the EC25519 key that I get back as the public key comes with x/y parameters that need to be converted into the 32-byte sequence, to debug this it might be easier to generate a key without Secure Enclave, and debug that until we have something that works (the RFC describes this process: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.6)
[x] Save key
[x] Load from File, could use iCloud Drive.
[x] Store the type in the Key, this is only for UI purposes, the library should be able to handle this. And it is so that we can render things like "This is a key of this type". See code in SwiftTermApp/UIs/STFilePicker.swift
[x] Paste a key
[x] Generate a key
[x] Generate a key and put in Secure Enclave - while I can do this, the EC25519 key that I get back as the public key comes with x/y parameters that need to be converted into the 32-byte sequence, to debug this it might be easier to generate a key without Secure Enclave, and debug that until we have something that works (the RFC describes this process: https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc8032#section-5.1.6)
[x] Save key
[x] Load from File, could use iCloud Drive.
[x] Store the type in the Key, this is only for UI purposes, the library should be able to handle this. And it is so that we can render things like "This is a key of this type". See code in SwiftTermApp/UIs/STFilePicker.swift
~Passphrases should go in the keychain~