miguelmota / go-ethereum-hdwallet

Ethereum HD Wallet derivations in Go (golang)
MIT License
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Unknown account error #19

Closed Dmdv closed 2 years ago

Dmdv commented 2 years ago

Following this example to sign transaction have unknown account error


miguelmota commented 2 years ago

The example code is working for me

$ go run example/sign.go
 inner: (*types.LegacyTx)(0xc00007a660)({
  Nonce: (uint64) 0,
  GasPrice: (*big.Int)(0xc0000c7ce0)(21000000000),
  Gas: (uint64) 21000,
  To: (*common.Address)(0xc0000e2240)((len=20 cap=20) 0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000),
  Value: (*big.Int)(0xc0000c7cc0)(1000000000000000000),
  Data: ([]uint8) <nil>,
  V: (*big.Int)(0xc0000c7ca0)(27),
  R: (*big.Int)(0xc0000c7c60)(34405166580762396054881948095668280144114812929766777744840143175291345694076),
  S: (*big.Int)(0xc0000c7c80)(35876182893985365337785111608140175101791577417143941897988905965773505549184)
 time: (time.Time) 2022-07-04 13:45:41.917536722 -0700 PDT m=+0.029605455,
 hash: (atomic.Value) {
  v: (interface {}) <nil>
 size: (atomic.Value) {
  v: (interface {}) <nil>
 from: (atomic.Value) {
  v: (types.sigCache) {
   signer: (types.HomesteadSigner) {
    FrontierSigner: (types.FrontierSigner) {
   from: (common.Address) (len=20 cap=20) 0xC49926C4124cEe1cbA0Ea94Ea31a6c12318df947

is there any additional code you're using that you can share?