migurski / Dymo

Map label placer with simulated annealing.
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add default to produce output label file if no output flags #12

Open nvkelso opened 12 years ago

nvkelso commented 12 years ago

Seems that if only a file name is provided, it would produce this:

-p PLACES_FILE, --places-file=PLACES_FILE

That way something useful would be generated instead of slapping the user's hands.

If more than one file is specified, then enforce the flags for type and filename:

-l LABELS_FILE, --labels-file=LABELS_FILE Optional name of labels file to generate. -p PLACES_FILE, --places-file=PLACES_FILE Optional name of place points file to generate. -r REGISTRATIONS_FILE, --registrations-file=REGISTRATIONS_FILE Optional name of registration points file to generate. This file will have an additional "justified" property with values "left", "center", or "right".