migurski / Dymo

Map label placer with simulated annealing.
148 stars 17 forks source link

support for arbitrary projections (unlink from Web Mercator) #17

Closed nvkelso closed 12 years ago

nvkelso commented 12 years ago

Albers, Lambert, and UTM would be most useful.

migurski commented 12 years ago

Agree agree.

migurski commented 12 years ago

Two new parameters to dymo-label.py: --scale is a floating point value, --projection is a PROJ.4 string.

Passing --scale and --zoom is an error. Passing --projection and no --scale defaults to scale=1.0. Passing --projection and --zoom is an error.

One new output parameter to dymo-label.py: --output-projected is a boolean to output projected coordinates.

migurski commented 12 years ago

Added in 0.9.0.