migurski / Dymo

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flag for exporting text registration GeoJSON point file #8

Closed nvkelso closed 12 years ago

nvkelso commented 12 years ago

Yes, a 3rd GeoJSON output ;)

Export text registration point in LongLat point format, as GeoJSON. Same as the current "point" GeoJSON (townspot) and attributes but with a different LongLat.

Might need more logic to allow for Mapnik versus Mapnik2 handling of text labels?

Related to the "justification" request. If justification is enabled, then the LongLat indicates the nearest bit of the bbox to the actual townspot measured at the font baseline. Else a 9-point of the bbox edges (where middle = baseline?) with the default being MC for mapnik and ML for mapnik2?

I have code for this registration, justification logic in JS for Illustrator I can contribute.