mihai9323 / Jocoi

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SheepInHerd #11

Closed mihai9323 closed 9 years ago

mihai9323 commented 9 years ago

This class inherits from InteractableObject When clicked on an object having this class, the mother will go towards the object having this class. When the mother and baby reach the object the StartCuddle is triggered (used as the complete argument for MoveToPosition.StartMoving()). StartCuddle will trigger the cuddleAnimationStart animation and the cuddlesound and also the weatherCycle to start. When the player clicks on something else StopCuddle is triggered and the weather stops changing and the cuddle sound stops and the cuddleAnimation is triggered

When the HerdTarget.CallSheepDelay() calls this.MoveToNewPosition the sheep will start moving using MoveToPosition.StartMoving()