mihaibanu / Gherkin.Xunit.Quick.VS.Extension

A visual studio plugin for the Gherkin.Xunit.Quick project
MIT License
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Issues running tests #2

Open david-mcmanus opened 5 years ago

david-mcmanus commented 5 years ago

Test Explorer cannot find the test also when trying to create a new feature I get a file not found. Using empty solution with only a single feature/scenario. Target Framework: .NET Core 2.2 MS Visual Studio Enterprise 2017 Version: 15.9.7 Not sure if it is an issue Gherkin.Xunit.Quick.VS.Extension or local install issue. TestXunitGherkinQuick.zip

david-mcmanus commented 5 years ago

Issue running the test was the feature file property was set to never copy to the output directory. Needs to be Copy Always or Copy if Newer.

Still having the issue of getting a file not found when trying to create the feature file from the template.