mihaiconstantin / bujo

Bullet Journal syntax highlighting in VS Code Markdown files.
MIT License
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Improve snippets (placeholders, names, commands) #30

Open wookiefriseur opened 2 years ago

wookiefriseur commented 2 years ago

Great extension, very useful. Let's make it even better. 😃

Some Ideas

  1. would be cool if we could use advanced snippet features in timeblock* and timetrack*
  2. the snippet prefixes are a bit too long and not unique enough
    • right now you have to type a lot to get to a specific snippet, could be more concise
    • my length workaround right now is to just type short hand versions and hope it works.. like tbch for timeblockchunk
  3. there are too many snippets
    • for instance we could remove timeblockrow and timeblocknote and add those to timeblockchunk
  4. some snippets could be made available to BuJo comand palette and be added as a keybinding
    • timeblockchunk (for instance Shift + Alt + C
  5. separate command just for adding rows to current table (with keybind)
    • could add columns depending on table size or 3 columns by default

Example for snippets


Snippet from the video:

"bujo timeblocktable": {
    "prefix": "bujoBlocktable",
    "body": [
      "|        Time | Block         |",
      "| ----------: | :------------ |",
      "|     (${1:00}:${2:00}) | (${3:Revision} #${4:1}) |",
      "|             |               |",
      "| ${5:00}:${6:00}-${7:00}:${8:00} | ${9:Chunk}         |",
      "|             | - ${10:Note}        |",
      "|             |               |"