mihaidusmanu / d2-net

D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detection of Local Features
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Issue with preprocessing undistorted images; overlap matrix can not be calculated #100

Open gelaretaherian opened 11 months ago

gelaretaherian commented 11 months ago

Hi @mihaidusmanu

I am currently following the steps in README to theD2net training. However, I encounter an error during the Tuning step while running the preprocess_undistorted_megadepth.sh. Undistorting images gets done for 74 scenes as present in "MegaDepth_v1_SfM" folder out of 196 scenes in "Megadepth_v1". But for preprocessing these 74 scenes, the error message states: "setting an array element with a sequence. The requested array has an inhomogeneous shape after 1 dimension. The detected shape was (3167,) + inhomogeneous part". It seems that the overlap_matrix is missing from the archive for each scene, causing the issue.

Could you please advise?

GH-lhc commented 9 months ago

hi,@gelaretaherian I have meet the same issue with you. Did you solve it?

Docea commented 3 months ago

The error doesn't appear for me after I set the environment up as described in the README