mihaidusmanu / d2-net

D2-Net: A Trainable CNN for Joint Description and Detection of Local Features
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The custom_demo runs very slowly #70

Closed yuhf19 closed 3 years ago

yuhf19 commented 3 years ago

Hello Sir, I am trying to validate the data with the inloc evaluation, but it’s very inefficient when we run the custom_demo on MATLAB. Only 40 images were verified over the course of a day. What do you think are the reasons for this situation? What solutions would you suggest? Looking forward to your reply. Thank you very much.

mihaidusmanu commented 3 years ago

Hello. Did you try running the sparse_demo first? That one should be faster. How many workers are you using? I remember with 8-16 workers it would take maybe 1-2 days in total.

yuhf19 commented 3 years ago

The sparse_demo runs as slowly as the custom_demo. In addition, only 6 workers on local. What's the problem?

mihaidusmanu commented 3 years ago

If it's the same for the sparse_demo, you should open an issue on the original InLoc demo repository. I did not contribute to the code so I cannot really help.