mihaifm / HIBPOfflineCheck

Keepass plugin that performs offline and online checks against HaveIBeenPwned passwords
317 stars 17 forks source link

Online check version? #14

Closed Prisoner416 closed 5 years ago

Prisoner416 commented 5 years ago

An online version of this tool would be greatly helpful for those that don't have the space for the raw file. The other keepass tool for Have I Been pwned doesn't make it easy to check a large batch of files like this one does.

mihaifm commented 5 years ago

Not a bad idea! It could be implemented as an option.

sargue commented 5 years ago

It's already been done: https://github.com/andrew-schofield/keepass2-haveibeenpwned

jeff9315 commented 5 years ago

Sargue ... I use both, but the one by Andrew Schofield isn't nearly as useful because it doesn't allow you to use the information it provides outside of a dialog box. That means it can't be sorted, or looked at at a later date. On the other hand, it IS online so potentially might have more up-to-date pwned data.

I would LOVE to soo HIBP offline have an online option which would give us the best of both worlds.

mihaifm commented 5 years ago

Feature implemented: Added Online mode that can be activated in the options. Cheers!
