mihakrajnc / UITTimeline

Support for animating UI Toolkit elements with Timeline.
MIT License
140 stars 9 forks source link

Added project to OpenUPM #2

Open mvriel opened 1 year ago

mvriel commented 1 year ago

Dear Miha,

This is not as much an issue, but more to let you know. I have just submitted your package to OpenUPM (https://github.com/openupm/openupm/pull/4308) and it will be available shortly. With this action, people can now also install your package using openupm-cli or the openupm registry.

As you may or may not be aware, using a registry can help because Unity cannot use git repositories as dependencies in other packages; and by using an OpenUPM registered package will allow packages to list your package as a dependency.

I hope this helps, have a nice day!

mvriel commented 1 year ago

And the build just succeeded, the OpenUPM page is https://openupm.com/packages/dev.krajnc.uitoolkittimeline/

mvriel commented 1 year ago

@mihakrajnc something I missed when I added it to OpenUPM: there needs to be a release following SemVer (i.e. v0.1.0). Can I ask you to make a release on the releases page with a tag?

Your package.json states it is version 0.1.0, so the tag should be named v0.1.0 to make sure it gets detected properly :)

mihakrajnc commented 9 months ago

Hey @mvriel sorry for the late reply, my plan is to add it to OpenUPM but I've been busy lately, I'll take a look at all the organization / versioning the next week or two and make sure it's on there 👌

mvriel commented 7 months ago

You only need to tag it, then it will end up because I already submitted you :)