mihirlad55 / polybar-spotify-module

A collection of lightweight programs for use with a Polybar Spotify Module
GNU General Public License v3.0
140 stars 9 forks source link

Module not loading on startup? #32

Closed greed-d closed 1 year ago

greed-d commented 1 year ago

OS : Arch Linux WM : BSPWM polybar config :

modules-center = previous spotify next

type = custom/ipc
format-font = 2
; Default
hook-0 = echo ""
; When spotify active
hook-1 = echo "玲"
click-left = "spotifyctl -q previous"

type = custom/ipc
format-font = 2
; Default
hook-0 = echo ""
; When spotify active
hook-1 = echo "怜"
click-left = "spotifyctl -q next"

type = custom/ipc
format-font = 2
; Default
hook-0 = echo ""
; Playing
hook-1 = echo ""
; Paused
hook-2 = echo ""
click-left = "spotifyctl -q playpause"

type = custom/ipc
; Default
hook-0 = echo ""
; Playing/paused show song name and artist
hook-1 = spotifyctl -q status --format '%artist%: %title%' 

It was working previously and spotifyctl is also working and this is what shows up in polybar log

notice: Parsing config file: /home/greed/.config/polybar/config.ini
notice: Listening for IPC messages (PID: 26465)
notice: Loading module 'xworkspaces' of type 'internal/xworkspaces'
notice: Loading module 'xwindow' of type 'internal/xwindow'
notice: Loading module 'previous' of type 'custom/ipc'
notice: Loading module 'spotify' of type 'custom/ipc'
notice: Loading module 'next' of type 'custom/ipc'
notice: Loading module 'pending' of type 'custom/script'
notice: Loading module 'pulseaudio' of type 'internal/pulseaudio'
notice: pulseaudio: using default sink alsa_output.pci-0000_04_00.6.analog-stereo
notice: Loading module 'memory' of type 'internal/memory'
error: Disabling module "cpu" (reason: Missing section "module/cpu")
notice: Loading module 'wlan' of type 'internal/network'
notice: module/wlan: Discovered wireless interface wlan0
error: Disabling module "eth" (reason: Missing section "module/eth")
notice: Loading module 'date' of type 'internal/date'
notice: Loading module 'battery' of type 'internal/battery'
notice: Loading module 'playpause' of type 'custom/ipc'
notice: Loaded 12 modules
notice: Loaded font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono:size=12" (name=JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono, offset=2, file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrains Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf)
notice: Loaded font "DejaVu Sans Mono wifi ramp" (name=DejaVu Sans Mono wifi ramp, offset=1, file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/DejaVuSansMono-wifi-ramp.ttf)
notice: Loaded font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono:size=22" (name=JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono, offset=2, file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrains Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf)
notice: Loaded font "JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono:size=19" (name=JetBrainsMono Nerd Font Mono, offset=2, file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/JetBrains Mono Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono.ttf)
notice: Loaded font "Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font:size=13" (name=UbuntuMono Nerd Font, offset=2, file=/usr/share/fonts/TTF/Ubuntu Mono Nerd Font Complete.ttf)
warn: Systray selection already managed (window=0x0a00010)

Is it a dbus issue? or am I doing something wrong?

greed-d commented 1 year ago

Found the issue systemctl .... thought I had done that but hadn't done it