mihirlad55 / polybar-spotify-module

A collection of lightweight programs for use with a Polybar Spotify Module
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Not working since last Spotify update #33

Open jpmvferreira opened 1 year ago

jpmvferreira commented 1 year ago

In the last Spotify update on my machine, running Manjaro, this stopped working. Here are the relevant portions of my config file:

type = custom/ipc
format-font = 2
format-underline = #1db954
format-background = ${color.shade2}
; Default
hook-0 = echo "  No Song is Playing"
; Playing
hook-1 = echo ""
; Paused
hook-2 = echo ""
click-left = "spotifyctl -q playpause"

type = custom/ipc
format-underline = #1db954
format-background = ${color.shade2}
; Default
hook-0 = echo ""
; Playing/paused
hook-1 = spotifyctl -q status

And enable-ipc is set to true.

If I use custom/script instead of custom/ipc and use exec instead of hook-1, then everything works as expected, it just takes a while to update the bar. Any idea on why this is happening?

Here's the full config file if relevant: config.txt