Video Diffusion Alignment via Reward Gradients. We improve a variety of video diffusion models such as VideoCrafter, OpenSora, ModelScope and StableVideoDiffusion by finetuning them using various reward models such as HPS, PickScore, VideoMAE, VJEPA, YOLO, Aesthetics etc.
Hi, excellent works!
However, I want to know whether the reward model Temporal Consistency via V-JEPA is suitable for T2V models such as opensora, videocrafter, modelscope. I saw there is no reward model about temporal consistency in vader-opensora and vader-video crafter in the corresponding code.
Hi, excellent works! However, I want to know whether the reward model Temporal Consistency via V-JEPA is suitable for T2V models such as opensora, videocrafter, modelscope. I saw there is no reward model about temporal consistency in vader-opensora and vader-video crafter in the corresponding code. Thanks.