mihnita / ansi-econsole

Eclipse plugin that understands ANSI escape sequences to color the Eclipse console output.
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CDT build console error and warning colors not working corretly with ansi console #1

Closed suikki closed 10 years ago

suikki commented 10 years ago

If ansi console is enabled, the CDT build console errors and warnings are not displayed with correct background colors. The whole lines should be red/yellow not just line end (see image). Also if I change the console bg color in eclipse preferences, only the area with text is affected.

I had an older version of the plugin installed previously (1.0.something) that worked fine. I updated via the eclipse updater to and now it's not working correctly anymore.

It might be that the ansi console was not used at all by the build console previously. I'm not sure as I can't find the old version anywhere so I could test it (I only need ansi in the "run" console anyway).


mihnita commented 10 years ago

I confirm, I can reproduce this. Did not have tame to debug it during this week-end, but I promise I will do it ASAP.

mihnita commented 10 years ago

Submitted a fix. It would be great if you can confirm it works for you too. Thank you, Mihai

suikki commented 10 years ago

Thanks for the fast fix.The build console seems to be working now.

However, I had ansi console disabled so I missed that the color codes were not working properly either. This might be a separate issue.

mihnita commented 10 years ago

the color codes were not working properly either. Sorry, but can you please give some details on this? Thank you, Mihai

suikki commented 10 years ago

Yeah, I just wanted to check if the color codes that are generated by my program are somewhat sane. I was using "\033[m" to reset all coloring back to default. It worked before, but it was not doing anything anymore. Using "033[0m" instead fixed the issue (I don't really know much about ansi color codes, so I don't know if the former should even work).

mihnita commented 10 years ago

I don't think \033[m ever worked, but I have never tried it. If you did, and it worked, then I believe you :-)

Anyway, I think you are right, it should work: "With no parameters, CSI m is treated as CSI 0 m (reset / normal)" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ANSI_escape_code

Thank you, will fix.

mihnita commented 10 years ago

Pushed a new version (finally). Did some cleaning on how the default colors are handled (and I hope I did not break anything). Fixes: