mihnsen / ui-carousel

A simple, lightweight module for carousel in your AngularJS app, Inspired from slick carousel.
MIT License
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Adaptive Height/Width (Fluid Design) #2

Open nmindz opened 7 years ago

nmindz commented 7 years ago

I have noticed that the following features are aimed at a later version:

Is there any workaround to make the slider horizontally fluid? I can use a fixed height for the containing element, but my goal would be to use a background within the slide and anchor it to the center(h)/middle(v), keeping its width always at 100%.

I tried setting width: 100% on slides/images but realized that the containing <ul> for ui-carousel dynamically sets it's width to the sum of all image's widths so it can keep the sliding consistent. (At least on default mode, didn't try the fade option.) - Which means that it isn't that simple.

Are there any "easy" hacks to keep a fluid layout with ui-carousel? Is there any pre-release version with such a feature?

mihnsen commented 7 years ago

@nmindz Currently, there is no hack to make the fluid layout like variable width. We'll probably add it to next release. The pull request for this or another feature is welcome