mihnsen / ui-carousel

A simple, lightweight module for carousel in your AngularJS app, Inspired from slick carousel.
MIT License
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no working ng-click #31

Open julioVillagomez opened 6 years ago

julioVillagomez commented 6 years ago

I want to do the following method but it does not work for me any idea?



$scope.ctrl.openGaleria = function(image){ console.log(image) }

ccasad commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to do the same thing by having an ng-click within my carousel-item. Is this not supported?

shefaleechaudhary commented 6 years ago

I am getting same issue. ng-click is not working inside ui-carousel.

charlemana commented 6 years ago

I'm also getting the same issue.

shantanu1227 commented 6 years ago

I am also getting the same issue

mcblum commented 6 years ago

Same issue for us as well. In fact, just putting anything within the ng-click such as console.log('working') does not work. Is there something about the code that is stopped execution of js on click events?

mcblum commented 6 years ago

Just a quick heads up, I figured this out. Since a new scope is created with each item, you'll need to append the function you want to execute to each slide, and then use item.callback() to fire the callback for that particular slide. Here our example code:

$onChanges() {
        const validCarouselItemsOnly = this._.filter(this.carousel, (item) => {
            const imageUrl = this._.get(item, 'image.url');
            const headline = item.headline;

            return imageUrl && headline;

        this.formattedCarousel = validCarouselItemsOnly.map((carouselItem) => {
            const link = this._.get(carouselItem, 'link[0]');

            if (link) {
                carouselItem.go = () => {
            } else {
                carouselItem.noLink = true;

            return carouselItem;

In our case we're filtered to carousel items that have the required data, then we're mapping those items, checking for a link, and then added a callback if one exists. This implementation works as expected.

afeltham commented 6 years ago

Hi @mcblum - great to hear you've been able to fix this. However, i can't make out where the code you've pasted above should go! can you give a wider example please? Thank you.

markriemann commented 6 years ago

@mcblum - can you provide a more complete example, please.

mcblum commented 6 years ago

@afeltham @markriemann sure thing. So let's say we have items that's an array, and each item needs to have a callback method, which we can access within each slide using item.callback.

Within each slide we can say item.name or item.description or item.image, but we can also say ng-click="item.callback()" and trigger the function that has been assigned to each item. If each slide needs a different callback, then you may need to loop through each item, check what it is, and assign the appropriate callback. If they can all use the same, you could use items.map((item) { item.callback = () => { console.log('thing') } return item }); to give each item a callback.

Does this make sense?

afeltham commented 6 years ago

Thank you @mcblum - i can confirm that your example works. Really appreciate you working this out and sharing your answer. :)

markriemann commented 6 years ago

@mcblum , thanks.

mcblum commented 6 years ago

@afeltham @markriemann no problem! Happy coding.

muralikrish204 commented 6 years ago

On mouseover of the carousel image, I am displaying an icon and that icon has ng-click. but that ng-click is not working. Can you someone please let me know how to fix this issue. `



The function is :

$scope.addToPlaylist = function(_item){ console.log("item details",_item); }

addToPlaylist function is my controller function.

acharyaks90 commented 6 years ago

yes It working geeks Put html ng-click ="item." <ui-carousel slides="slides" slides-to-show="3" slides-to-scroll="3" style="margin:auto;width: 90%;margin-left: inherit;" autoplay="true" autoplay-speed="2000" dots="true">


  <!-- placed your previous button here -->
  <button class="btn btn-success carousel-prev carousel-btn" style="background-color: #333;">Prev</button>
  <!-- end -->
  <!-- placed your next button here -->
  <button class="btn btn-success carousel-next carousel-btn" style="background-color: #333;">Next</button>
  <!-- end -->

venkywd commented 6 years ago

Thank you mcblum It helped me.

InCarNaTeDuDe commented 6 years ago

Any chance of plnkr or codepen how u managed ? @venkywd @mcblum @afeltham @markriemann Thanks in Advance

robmweb commented 6 years ago

I got it work a bit hacky, but reliably. Within a you can do any ng-click referencing a grandparent scope (the parent of ) with:


FadiAboMsalam commented 6 years ago

@robmweb solution worked perfectly with me any drawback for this ?

gdlmanuv commented 5 years ago

Indeed the callback function solves the issue.

Let's say, I have an array of mostRated elements, so, for each of them, I create a function, like this:

$scope.mostRated.forEach(function (r) { r.callback = function () { $scope.viewDetails(r); }; });

then in the html we are now able to use the ng-click ng-click="item.callback()"

. . . It worked for me, Hope it works for all of you guys!
lucianolemgruber commented 5 years ago

@robmweb solution worked perfectly with me too

puneethshetty12 commented 5 years ago

Thank you @robmweb ! Works fine!