mihnsen / ui-carousel

A simple, lightweight module for carousel in your AngularJS app, Inspired from slick carousel.
MIT License
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Angular JS 1.3.20 doesn't work #9

Closed michelem09 closed 7 years ago

michelem09 commented 7 years ago

It seems this module won't work with 1.3.20, I didn't receive any error but the slides property won't get filled. So I always ended up with an empty carousel. I tried several things also to log from the module but it seems slides array remains always empty.

lhristov commented 7 years ago

Same here. In the demo codepen, if one replaces the Angular with this https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/angular.js/1.3.19/angular.min.js it is not initialized.

michelem09 commented 7 years ago

I can confirm there is a problem with AngularJS < 1.4 I just update my AngularJS to 1.4.14 and the ui-carousel now works fine.

mihnsen commented 7 years ago

@michelem09 Fixed on 822763c

michelem09 commented 7 years ago

Thanks but I can't test it anymore. I'm closing it.