mijora / omniva-prestahop-1.7

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Hardcoded geocode sourceCountry in dropdown search #28

Open wwatu1337 opened 3 years ago

wwatu1337 commented 3 years ago

Line 370 in omniva.js $.getJSON( "https://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/suggest?text="+address+"&f=pjson&sourceCountry=LT&maxSuggestions=1", function( data ) {

should be $.getJSON( "https://geocode.arcgis.com/arcgis/rest/services/World/GeocodeServer/suggest?text="+address+"&f=pjson&sourceCountry="+omniva_current_country+"&maxSuggestions=1",

markakk commented 1 year ago


Omniva no longer support this module, so will not allocate funding to fix the error. If there comes the client, which wants to fix it at their own funding, then we will fix it.