mijorus / gearlever

Manage AppImages with ease 📦
GNU General Public License v3.0
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AppImages are not "installed" #133

Open probonopd opened 1 month ago

probonopd commented 1 month ago


AppImages are not "installed", and that is the main point. You download them, make them executable, done. There is nothing to "install". In fact, I specifically designed the file format so that applications would no longer need to be installed.

Hence, I suggest to just say "Applications" there, and not use the word "installed". Thanks for your consideration!

mijorus commented 1 month ago

I'm sorry, but I disagree here.

I get it, "technically" you are right. BUT, for a casual user, someone who doesn't know any of these stuff, an app is "installed" when it shows up in the system menu.

"Applications", to me, sounds too generic. We should difference appimages that you have casually lying around the Downloads folder, to the ones that show up in the system menu.

I actually spent some time while developing Gear Lever to decide the proper labels for "Installed applications" and the "Integrate" button the comes out when you open a new file. The goal here was to make an app that was easy to use and with familiar controls for most users.

probonopd commented 1 month ago

Well, AppImages are a form of application bundles, and people always want to treat it as if they were "packages" because a) they are used to packages and b) most desktop environments lack proper native support for application bundles.

Proper application bundle support in desktop environments is the thing that should be improved, imho.

probonopd commented 4 weeks ago

How about saying "Integrating..." instead of "Installing..."?

mijorus commented 4 weeks ago

How about saying "Integrating..." instead of "Installing..."?

Since we are just changing a string, but a very important one, is it worth the time of all the translators who worked on the project?

Not in my option, I'm sorry

probonopd commented 4 weeks ago


It is very important for me. The reason for AppImages to exist is so that software doesn't need to be installed.

Saying AppImages are "installed" is like saying an electric car is "fueled". The whole point of an electric car is that it doesn't need any fuel.