I started using appimages for armcord and used https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord/releases/download/*/ArmCord-*.AppImage as my pathway however whenever i do that it retrieves the arm apk that isn't compatiable with my os (LMDE 6)
is there a way for the updates to retrieve only ArmCord-xxxx.AppImage s and not ArmCord-xxx-arm64.AppImage or
I started using appimages for armcord and used https://github.com/ArmCord/ArmCord/releases/download/*/ArmCord-*.AppImage as my pathway however whenever i do that it retrieves the arm apk that isn't compatiable with my os (LMDE 6) is there a way for the updates to retrieve only ArmCord-xxxx.AppImage s and not ArmCord-xxx-arm64.AppImage or ArmCord-xxxxxx-armv7l.AppImage