mik3y / usb-serial-for-android

Android USB host serial driver library for CDC, FTDI, Arduino and other devices.
MIT License
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Cannot receive data #473

Closed NortacYWang closed 1 year ago

NortacYWang commented 1 year ago

I am trying to retrieve the data from USB, the command is when USB received string "SA+SAQ", it will return related data(string) to the android device.

I have coded the write and read like this:

connect part

    public void connect(Integer baudRate, Integer dataBits, Integer stopBits, Integer parity, Promise promise) {
        UsbManager usbManager = getUsbManager();
        UsbSerialDriver firstDriver = getFirstSerialDevice();
        if (firstDriver == null) {
            promise.resolve("no device);
        UsbDeviceConnection connection = usbManager.openDevice(firstDriver.getDevice());
        if (connection == null) {
             promise.resolve("conect fails");
        this.usbSerialPort = firstDriver.getPorts().get(0);
        try {
            usbSerialPort.setParameters(baudRate, dataBits, stopBits, parity);
            connected =  true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            promise.resolve("open fails");

I got "OK" which means the usb is connected,

write and read part

    public void sendAndReceive(String data, Promise promise) {
        if (this.usbSerialPort == null) {
            promise.resolve("no device");
        byte[] dataBytes;

        dataBytes = data.getBytes();  // data is SA+SAQ

       usbSerialPort.write(dataBytes, 2000);
      } catch(IOException e) {
      promise.resolve("write fails")

            byte buffer[] = new byte[16];
            int numBytesRead = usbSerialPort.read(buffer, 20000);
            String texto = new String(buffer);
        } catch (IOException e) {

the texto always returns empty , even the usb is coded when invalid command received, it will return string "invalid".

can anyone give me some suggestions? I have worked for this project for several days.. got no clue

Thank you very much

kai-morich commented 1 year ago

Please check https://github.com/mik3y/usb-serial-for-android/wiki/FAQ#user-content-How_to_size_the_codereadcode_buffer

NortacYWang commented 1 year ago

Thank you Kai, I have tried to setReaderBufferSize in SerialInputOutputManager, but still got no data.

I also tried the read code in the example:

    try {
            byte[] buffer = new byte[8192];
            int len = usbSerialPort.read(buffer, READ_WAIT_MILLIS);
            receive(Arrays.copyOf(buffer, len));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            // when using read with timeout, USB bulkTransfer returns -1 on timeout _and_ errors
            // like connection loss, so there is typically no exception thrown here on error
            status("connection lost: " + e.getMessage());

but still no data received. btw I have tried the android usb serial terminal to test, it did return the string "invalid command". and I am using ReactNative with this library

Thank you (maybe someone can suggest me a RN library? )

NortacYWang commented 1 year ago

I have fixed this by override onNewData function in SerialInputOutputManager.Listener instead of using usbSerialPort.read after write to usb immediately