mikacuy / pointnetvlad

PointNetVLAD: Deep Point Cloud Based Retrieval for Large-Scale Place Recognition, CVPR 2018
MIT License
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Different timestamps for Oxford dataset when generating submaps #8

Closed sashaDoubov closed 4 years ago

sashaDoubov commented 4 years ago

Hi, thanks for your great work! I am trying to use the script generate_submaps.m to recreate the benchmark dataset for the Oxford Robotcar dataset. However, I seem to get different pointclouds (as described by the timestamps) than the ones found in the uploaded benchmarks folder on google drive.

For example, for the 2015-08-17-10-26-38 folder, the 1439803802060497.bin pointcloud cannot be found after generating the submaps, with the closest generated timestamps being: 1439803802982745.bin and 1439803801699224.bin.

There is some overlap between the generated and posted pointclouds for the same 2015-08-17-10-26-38 folder, such as: 1439803985022188.bin and 1439803989723175.bin.

I have not modified the uploaded script except for path changes, and am using the default values for the following parameters:


Are there any parameter changes that need to be made to get the generated timestamps & pointclouds to correspond? Thank you!

mikacuy commented 4 years ago


I apologize for the late response. If I remember correctly, those were the parameters I used to generate the submaps. I am also not sure why you get a different timestamp. Sorry about that if this doesn't help.

Best, Mika