mikael-alafriz-deel / lucid-sonic-dreams

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Invalid argument: Conv2DCustomBackpropInputOp only supports NHWC #8

Open systemallica opened 3 years ago

systemallica commented 3 years ago

I'm getting this error when trying to run the script on an MP3 file:

 0% | 0/9612 [00:00<?, ?it/s]2021-03-14 12:44:22.497498: E tensorflow/core/common_runtime/executor.cc:642] Executor failed to create kernel. Invalid argument: Conv2DCustomBackpropInputOp only supports NHWC.
         [[{{node G_synthesis_1/_Run/G_synthesis/cond/cond/cond/cond/128x128/Conv0_up/conv2d_transpose}}]]

My script is literally the one on the readme, any clues?

aertist commented 3 years ago

Just simply run it on google colab. It works like a charm

systemallica commented 3 years ago

Getting the exact same error on google colab.

SevenBlocks commented 3 years ago

I'm getting the same error.

fusiformfacearea commented 3 years ago

I am having this issue as well.

SkittlePox commented 3 years ago

Same here

tensorboard 1.15.0, tensorflow 1.15.0, tensorflow-estimator 1.15.1, tensorflow-gpu 1.15.0

J-angelm commented 3 years ago

Same error here. Python 3.7 - Windows 10

danielgafni commented 3 years ago

Arch Linux, same issue

I propose a solution - switch to conda installation

SevenBlocks commented 3 years ago

I propose a solution - switch to conda installation

This worked for me. Thanks.

julienbeisel commented 3 years ago

Why does it work on conda and not with pip or classic installations?

AlexWortega commented 3 years ago

I think its package version problem somewhere because`

num_frame_batches = int(len(self.noise)/batch_size)
Gs_syn_kwargs = {'output_transform': {'func': convert_images_to_uint8, 
                                      'nchw_to_nhwc': True},
                'randomize_noise': False,
                'minibatch_size': batch_size}


SkittlePox commented 3 years ago

Still having this issue

helenawsu commented 3 years ago

same issue here. I tried on Mac, windows, and google collab, same errors occurred.

mzyz commented 2 years ago

did you guys find a fix for that?

Prashantmdgl9 commented 1 year ago

Doesn't work on Kaggle, Colab, Mac.