Open SagoBno opened 4 years ago
I have the same problem too
I no longer have easy access to Windows. Any help with debugging, implementation, and QA would be greatly appreciated.
Any update regarding this issue? How can we help?
I have the same issue, any update?
I am trying to launch notifications when I run the project as a servicem any update here?
@mikaelbr any update on this? I'm willing to help debug this if there is no solution yet.
Edit: I think I've found a solution. If the service is created with Log on information (your Windows account credentials) it works.
What if I don't have access to log on information?
When I run the project as service in windows, the project create a child process, which runs in the context of the user with system token, but the notification is not shown. I proved cloning node-notifier and ran it with psexec -i -s, that use system token but is shown in the user environment, but the notification is not seen
Specifications Node 10.15.3 Node-notifier 7.0.1 Windows 10 Pro