mikahanninen / grav-plugin-facebook

Facebook plugin for Grav CMS https://github.com/getgrav/grav
MIT License
16 stars 12 forks source link

Error while trying to download (code: 400): https://graph.facebook.com//albums?access_token=yyyyyyyyy|xxxxxxxxxxxxxx #45

Open clabnet opened 6 years ago

clabnet commented 6 years ago

Version your plugin: 1.7.0 For each request type, as {{ facebook_posts() }}, {{ facebook_album() }}, {{facebook_events() }}, return always the error message on subject. I have insert the FB app_id and FB secret key; what other settings are required ? Thank's Claudio

katieschrader commented 6 years ago

I am having the same issue with the Events feed.

th0rgall commented 6 years ago

UPDATE: the below response is outdated and my fork of this plugin does also not work anymore.

Probably there is no solution. See this Stackoverflow thread or another issue for more info.

I had the same issue. Facebook made some changes to their API recently, you can't get the event feed from a page with an app id and secret anymore (see here ).

What worked for me is using a page token. Follow these instructions on how to get one (you do need to be some kind of admin of the page though).

As a current workaround, in my fork I've edited the plugin to accept the page token. Just add the token from above to your facebook.yaml like so:

  application_id: 'your app id'
  page_token: 'your token'
prinla commented 6 years ago

Hello thOrgall, Thanks for the idea. Tried to include your fork and finally found the page-access-token access-token

I guess that the code I have to enter, right? Or do I have to do any further step?

Because still the events are not showing up on my website.

Any idea?

th0rgall commented 6 years ago

Hey @prinla, unfortunately I found a few hours after posting that comment that it did not work anymore, because I used a short-lived user token.

I tried again two days ago with various tokens (long- and short-lived ones), and they all did not work.

I suggest to follow this Stackoverflow thread. There does not seem to be any good solution now, but if there is, it will end up there. Facebook really screwed us over here :(