As a user
I need to edit my feature
to be able to set a new name, begin date, end date and edit my todoitems
Acceptance Criteria
[ ] A headline for the current project name is displayed
[ ] On the top right corner a close icon is displayed. If the icon is clicked, the edit view closes and leads the user back to the "Feature View (Project)" component
[ ] A border box with round corners is displayed
[ ] An input field for the feature name is displayed, labeled "Featurename". This field is editable and contains the saved feature name a user took on his todoitem
[ ] An input field for the begin date is displayed, labeled "Startdatum". This field is editable and contains the saved begin date a user chose on his todoitem
[ ] An input field for the end date is displayed, labeled "Enddatum". This field is editable and contains the saved end date a user chose on his todoitem
[ ] A list of the saved todoitems are displayed as multiple boxes
[ ] A button at the bottom of the list is displayed, labeled "Fertig"
(for developers team)
[ ] Add a new branch "edit-feature-project"
[ ] Create a headline as a <h1> tag at the top left corner
[ ] Set an close icon wrapped in a <button> tag at the top right corner of the edit box
[ ] Create a box element within a <section> tag
[ ] Create a input field with a label, type and the name content of the chosen feature
[ ] Create a input field with type, date validation and a label (for field "Startdatum")
[ ] Create a input field with type, date validation and a label (for field "Enddatum")
[ ] The component receives the TodoItemList component
[ ] Inside the Todoitem box, the colored circle for complexity is displayed on the right side
[ ] Inside the Todoitem box, a edit icon is displayed on the left side. If the icon is clicked, it leads the user to the "Edit Todoitem (Project)" component
[ ] Create a button at the bottom of the list, to finish the editing and submit the new data to the chosen feature
[ ] Apply basic styling (to distinguish between headlines and dynamic values)
Value Proposition
As a user I need to edit my feature to be able to set a new name, begin date, end date and edit my todoitems
Acceptance Criteria
(for developers team)
tag at the top left corner<button>
tag at the top right corner of the edit box<section>