mikakaraila / node-red-contrib-opcua

A Node-RED node to communicate OPC UA. Uses node-opcua library.
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[Question] Connect opcua browser with security settings #591

Open henjoe opened 10 months ago

henjoe commented 10 months ago

Hi Mika,

I hope you are okay and fine! Will it be possible to connect to an opcua server via the opcua browser node with a settings in terms of security policy and security mode?

Before, I can successfully connect and browse to an opcua server where there is no settings about security policy and security mode using this settings: image

However, the opcua server that I want to connect now has a security policy = Basic256Sha256 and security mode = Sign&Encrypt, so I edited my config to be like this: image

But I am having an error: image

Hoping for your guidance.

Regards. Henjoe

mikakaraila commented 10 months ago

We have to wait until node-opcua will be fixed, there is at the moment crypto bug that prevents the use of certificates. It depends actually from the nodejs version.

henjoe commented 10 months ago

Thanks for the confirmation Mika.

Regards, Henjoe

henjoe commented 5 months ago

Hi Mika! How are you? I hope you are fine.

I wonder if this was already solved on latest released?


mikakaraila commented 5 months ago

Actually I have been sick and still continues...

You could try this: { "credentials":{},"endpoint":"opc.tcp://localhost:53530/OPCUA/SimulationServer","securityPolicy":"None","securityMode":"None","login":false,"user":"-","password":"-" }

henjoe commented 5 months ago

Hi @mikakaraila ,

Sorry to hear that, I hope you get well soon. Thanks and I'll try this.