mikaku / Fiwix

A UNIX-like kernel for the i386 architecture
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Question, Not Issue Regarding Port to 32-bit M68K architecture? #92

Open iamhumanipromise opened 1 month ago

iamhumanipromise commented 1 month ago

This is a beautiful OS! Holy wow!

Just wondering if there have been any thoughts about porting it to the M68K 32-bit CPUs, so that it would work on hobbiest boards, early Macs, SHARP systems, Sun2, Sun3 and more of course.

32-bit CPUs would be:

And more not totally listed

Oichkatzelesfrettschen commented 1 month ago

Yes! My old Mac would be so happy!

mikaku commented 1 month ago

I like the idea to include support for more architectures, but, you know, include support for any new architecture implies a good knowledge of it. Unfortunately I don't know the M68K architecture, so this is out of scope of my possibilities right now.

Oichkatzelesfrettschen commented 1 month ago

I like the idea to include support for more architectures, but, you know, include support for any new architecture implies a good knowledge of it. Unfortunately I don't know the M68K architecture, so this is out of scope of my possibilities right now.

Are there any tools or dev platforms you need help obtaining in order to learn it (IF you wish to learn it)

mikaku commented 1 month ago

Are there any tools or dev platforms you need help obtaining in order to learn it (IF you wish to learn it)

I'm currently focused on improving the buffer cache and the I/O block layer. Next I'll continue trying to include networking support, which is indeed a big thing and will be a big push for the kernel.

So, right now, I don't have enough spare time to learn a new architecture. Maybe in the future. In any case, if you know this M68K architecture and you want to contribute, I'll be glad to help you to integrate it into the kernel tree.