mikalhart / ESP32-OTA-Pull

An ESP32/Arduino library for doing easy "pull"-based OTA ("Over The Air") updates
MIT License
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File server on Arduino board? #4

Open pheuts opened 9 months ago

pheuts commented 9 months ago

Hi, Thank you for this library, it is running great. That is, if i host the file's on a traditional NAS or my pc. I want to deploy a project with a local file server for the OTA-pull file (no WAN available). So that is upload the binary once, leave the location, and whenever the clients come online, they update themselves. I was thinking on running this file server on a Arduino board. Would that be possible? Any thought on how to set this up?

Thanks in advance. Paul

mikalhart commented 7 months ago

I think that would work, though it hasn't been tested outside of WiFi connection (see next issue). I've never set up an Arduino as a file server, so can't be of much help there, but I can't see why it wouldn't work, as long as you get the the file with HTTP.