mikalhart / TinyGPSPlus

A new, customizable Arduino NMEA parsing library
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Performance question #105

Open jan5650 opened 1 year ago

jan5650 commented 1 year ago


I started using GPS modules in 2019. I searched for a long time for the right library, until I finally decided to use the NeoGPS library. I chose it because at the time it advertised itself as smaller, faster (it could use more digits, so more GPS coordinates were preserved, it didn't end with the last digit) and more accurate than all the other libraries.

NeoGPS has not been updated since 2018.

I just found TinyGPS again, and I am glad to see that it is still supported.

In the meantime, has TinyGPS become better than NeoGPS? Will it be able to bring the same level of accuracy as NeoGPS? Does it support hardware UART?

Thank you!

TD-er commented 1 year ago

You can feed the library per character, so any input (even HW serial) can be used as source.

The lattitude and longitude are available as double, so that should be more resolution than is available in the NMEA sentences.