mikalhart / TinyGPSPlus

A new, customizable Arduino NMEA parsing library
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Missing Feature #42

Closed DOUG888 closed 4 years ago

DOUG888 commented 6 years ago

Addition of accessible values #4,6 and 11 This will give full use of available data and make display formatting easier. Thanks Doug E.g: $ GPRMC, 033308.00, A, 3022.29739, N, 11454.04296, E, 0.044, 111116 ,,, A * 75

(1) UTC time, hhmmss (hours and seconds) (2) positioning state, A = effective positioning, V = invalid positioning (3) latitude ddmm.mmmmm (degrees) (4) latitude hemisphere N (northern hemisphere) or S (southern hemisphere) (5) longitude dddmm.mmmmm (degrees) (6) longitude hemisphere E (longitude) or W (west longitude) (7) The ground speed (000.0 to 999.9) (8) ground heading (000.0 ~ 359.9 degrees, with true north as the reference) (9) UTC date, ddmmyy (day month month) (10) magnetic declination (000.0 ~ 180.0 degrees, less than the leading digits complement 0) (11) Magnetic declination direction, E (east) or W (west) (12) Mode indication (A = autonomous positioning, D = differential, E = estimation, N = data invalid)

mikalhart commented 4 years ago

Hi @DOUG888. For what it's worth #4 and #6 are implicitly present in the sign, i.e. negative latitudes and longitudes are S and W, respectively. TinyGPS++ doesn't inherently provide magnetic declination, but you can get it with a TinyGPSCustom object.