mikaoj / Swocket

Asynchronous network framework in Swift
MIT License
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Manual install #11

Open tim-9red7 opened 8 years ago

tim-9red7 commented 8 years ago

With all the issues with Cocoapods and El Cap, any chance of providing some guidance for manually installing Swocket?

mikaoj commented 8 years ago

Didn't know of any issues with cocoapods and el capitan, but I'm not suprised to hear that there are... :)

If you want to grab it manually: clone this repo and put everything in the Pod folder into you project. That should work? (Haven't tried myself)

tim-9red7 commented 8 years ago

Tried that, guess I need a bridging header since you are using some C code. Getting Use of unresolved identifier errors. I'll keep plugging away. Thanks for the great work so far!

mikaoj commented 8 years ago

Ah, yeah of course...forgot about that one. Add an objective-c class to your project and Xcode will ask you if it should add an bridging header. include Swocket.h in the bridging header...that should fix it?

tim-9red7 commented 8 years ago

I'll try when I get home and let you know the outcome.

tim-9red7 commented 8 years ago

That worked with a caveat.

  1. Dragged the contents of the Pod folder into Xcode.
  2. Created a bridging header and added "#import "Swocket.h" to it.
  3. At this point I was getting some errors on the following files: Transmittable.swift, Asyncable+Helpers.swift, Connectable+Async.swift, Transmittable.Async.swift. For some reason these files couldn't see any Foundation classes. I just added "import Foundation" to these files and things seem to be working.
    • I do see 4 warnings on Socket.c: "Variable 'sockfd' may be uninitialized when used here" Though things are still working.