mikavilpas / evil-lispy

precision Lisp editing with Evil and Lispy
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Need evilified commands for lispy visual selections #5

Open mikavilpas opened 8 years ago

mikavilpas commented 8 years ago

I find it's common for me to use mv to mark a symbol, then expect to be able to y (yank) it, or d (delete) it.

But after the symbol has been selected, only lispy commands are available. So y actually becomes special-lispy-occur, and d is special-lispy-other-mode.

mikavilpas commented 8 years ago

Idea: a hydra could be active while evil-lispy-state is on, something like this:

You have the power of lispy!

Extra keys:
ESC - return to normal mode
some key - go to visual mode