mike-glorioso / eggnine

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Implement Round-based Engine prototype "Guess And Bet Game" #2

Open mike-glorioso opened 8 years ago

mike-glorioso commented 8 years ago

Story: As a developer, I want to implement a simple round-based game as a minimum viable product

SP: 2

Decisions: The game shall allow two or more players Players shall have a coin count, to start at 100 Players will submit values (positive integers) for each round: a minimum bet a maximum bet a guess A round will not begin until each player has submitted all three values In each round: players ante up to the pot A round bet is determined Folding players are determined Remaining players put round bets in the pot A secret value is generated (positive integer, max 100) First round winners are determined and paid Second round winners are determined and paid Players with non-positive coin counts are removed from the game The round bet is the highest minimum bet for the round Folding players are players with a maximum bet lower than the round bet First round winners are players with a guess that is equal to or lower than the secret and greater than any other guesses lower than the secret Second round winners are players with a guess that is greater than the secret and is the lowest guess in the round When there are multiple winners, the pot should be split evenly with any remainder staying in the pot The game is over when one player remains, that player is declared the victor

Assumptions: Ante is hard-coded to 1 for now randomly pick 2-10 AI players players submit random guesses and random bets trigger round print headings, then player names, current coin count, guesses, min, and max bets and secret number check for and display winner, then exit, else continue loop

mike-glorioso commented 8 years ago

Tasking: 2,create stub in pubstatvoidmain 1,create coin count implements Number?,skipped 2,create prototype BatchInput 2,create player class throw an exception if any values are out of theoretical range provide a Player Coin Count for each Player that starts at 100 coins
2,create batch class,skipped 3,create prototype engine without processing 3,implement processing 1,QA create unit tests for Player 2,QA create unit tests for batchinput 3,QA create unit tests for batch class,skipped 2,QA create unit tests for batchinputlistener 3,QA create unit tests for engine (w/o process) 3,QA create unit tests for processing 1,QA create and verify manual test to validate reporting and values within parameters

Dev 15 QA 15