Expected: I expected the output musicXML file to include a tag.
Actual: The output file generated did not include any tag.
This is how your output looked like:
A slide is a continuous line between 2 notes and defaults to a solid line in sheet music. No such line is found in the output created by the converter.
Priority: High
Severity: High. The scope of the course does cover slides so you must be able to detect slides and produce appropriate tags. This bug affects the functionality of the code. Slides are found in several tabs thus this is a bug that will be frequently encountered. The right output after passing Capricho Arabe guitar tab as input will not be obtained as it contains slides.
ID# 26
Who raised it: Abhirami Venugopal, abhirami@my.yorku.ca
Version: March 23,2021 version of software
Platform: Windows 10, Eclipse version 4.8.0, JavaSE-15
MusicXML Viewer used: SoundSlice (https://www.soundslice.com/musicxml-viewer/)
Expected: I expected the output musicXML file to include a tag.
Actual: The output file generated did not include any tag.
This is how your output looked like:
A slide is a continuous line between 2 notes and defaults to a solid line in sheet music. No such line is found in the output created by the converter.
Priority: High
Severity: High. The scope of the course does cover slides so you must be able to detect slides and produce appropriate tags. This bug affects the functionality of the code. Slides are found in several tabs thus this is a bug that will be frequently encountered. The right output after passing Capricho Arabe guitar tab as input will not be obtained as it contains slides.