This code doesn't compile, tsc --version "Version 5.6.2". MyVisitor.ts:4:47 - error TS1005: '=>' expected. tree is undefined. *Context are all undefined. .text is used instead of .getText(). Also, visitStart() has to be define otherwise none of the other overrides are called, and "null" is returned.
The code should look something like this.
import { StartContext, ExpressionContext, MultiplyContext, DivideContext, AddContext, SubtractContext, NumberContext } from "./ExpressionParser.js";
import { ExpressionVisitor } from "./ExpressionVisitor.js";
export class MyVisitor extends ExpressionVisitor<number> {
public visitStart = (ctx: StartContext) => {
return this.visit(ctx.getChild(0));
public visitAdd = (ctx: AddContext) => {
return this.visit(ctx.expression(0)) + this.visit(ctx.expression(1));
public visitMultiply = (ctx: MultiplyContext) => {
return this.visit(ctx.expression(0)) * this.visit(ctx.expression(1));
public visitNumber = (ctx: NumberContext) => {
return Number.parseInt(ctx.NUMBER().getText());
From the
This code doesn't compile, tsc --version "Version 5.6.2".
MyVisitor.ts:4:47 - error TS1005: '=>' expected
is undefined.*Context
are all undefined..text
is used instead of.getText()
. Also,visitStart()
has to be define otherwise none of the other overrides are called, and "null" is returned.The code should look something like this.