mike-oakley / openapi-pydantic

Pydantic OpenAPI schema implementation
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Test failures with recent Pydantic 2 #26

Closed adam-homeboost closed 6 months ago

adam-homeboost commented 7 months ago

I was working on a separate PR for an added feature and ran into the following error running tox on just the fresh repo-checkout, before any other changes. It appears to be a compatibility issue with Pydantic 2 having something to do with optionals vs required. It may be related to recent(ish) pydantic changes to how optionals vs defaults work (see also: https://github.com/pydantic/pydantic/issues/7161)

I am unfortunately not knowledgeable enough about schemas to know what the correct fix is here.

Pydantic 2.5.2

=============================================== FAILURES ===============================================
__________________________________ test_optional_and_computed_fields ___________________________________

    @pytest.mark.skipif(not PYDANTIC_V2, reason="computed fields require Pydantic V2")
    def test_optional_and_computed_fields() -> None:
        api = construct_sample_api()

        result = construct_open_api_with_schema_class(api)
        assert result.components is not None
        assert result.components.schemas is not None

        req_schema = result.components.schemas["SampleRequest"]
        assert isinstance(req_schema, Schema)
        assert req_schema.properties is not None
        assert req_schema.required is not None

        resp_schema = result.components.schemas["SampleResponse"]
        assert isinstance(resp_schema, Schema)
        assert resp_schema.properties is not None
        assert resp_schema.required is not None

        # When validating:
        # - required fields are still required
        # - optional fields are still optional
        # - computed fields don't exist
        assert "req" in req_schema.properties
        assert "opt" in req_schema.properties
        assert "comp" not in req_schema.properties
        assert set(req_schema.required) == {"req"}

        # When serializing:
        # - required fields are still required
        # - optional fields become required
        # - computed fields are required
        assert "req" in resp_schema.properties
        assert "opt" in resp_schema.properties
        assert "comp" in resp_schema.properties
>       assert set(resp_schema.required) == {"req", "comp", "opt"}
E       AssertionError: assert {'comp', 'req'} == {'opt', 'comp', 'req'}
E         Extra items in the right set:
E         'opt'
E         Full diff:
E         - {'opt', 'comp', 'req'}
E         ?  -------
E         + {'comp', 'req'}

tests/util/test_optional_and_computed.py:53: AssertionError
__________________________________ test_optional_and_computed_fields ___________________________________

    @pytest.mark.skipif(not PYDANTIC_V2, reason="computed fields require Pydantic V2")
    def test_optional_and_computed_fields() -> None:
        api = construct_sample_api()

        result = construct_open_api_with_schema_class(api)
        assert result.components is not None
        assert result.components.schemas is not None

        req_schema = result.components.schemas["SampleRequest"]
        assert isinstance(req_schema, Schema)
        assert req_schema.properties is not None
        assert req_schema.required is not None

        resp_schema = result.components.schemas["SampleResponse"]
        assert isinstance(resp_schema, Schema)
        assert resp_schema.properties is not None
        assert resp_schema.required is not None

        # When validating:
        # - required fields are still required
        # - optional fields are still optional
        # - computed fields don't exist
        assert "req" in req_schema.properties
        assert "opt" in req_schema.properties
        assert "comp" not in req_schema.properties
        assert set(req_schema.required) == {"req"}

        # When serializing:
        # - required fields are still required
        # - optional fields become required
        # - computed fields are required
        assert "req" in resp_schema.properties
        assert "opt" in resp_schema.properties
        assert "comp" in resp_schema.properties
>       assert set(resp_schema.required) == {"req", "comp", "opt"}
E       AssertionError: assert {'comp', 'req'} == {'opt', 'comp', 'req'}
E         Extra items in the right set:
E         'opt'
E         Full diff:
E         - {'opt', 'comp', 'req'}
E         ?  -------
E         + {'comp', 'req'}

tests/v3_0_3/test_optional_and_computed.py:56: AssertionError
======================================= short test summary info ========================================
FAILED tests/util/test_optional_and_computed.py::test_optional_and_computed_fields - AssertionError: assert {'comp', 'req'} == {'opt', 'comp', 'req'}
FAILED tests/v3_0_3/test_optional_and_computed.py::test_optional_and_computed_fields - AssertionError: assert {'comp', 'req'} == {'opt', 'comp', 'req'}
===================================== 2 failed, 44 passed in 1.08s =====================================
py311-pydantic2-test: exit 1 (2.05 seconds) /srv/personal/openapi-pydantic> poetry run pytest -vv tests pid=7099
py311-pydantic2-test: FAIL ✖ in 9.99 seconds
mike-oakley commented 6 months ago

Hi @adam-homeboost - sorry for the slow reply - I haven't been able to reproduce this with the latest Pydantic after checking out - could you try updating and retry?