mike-ward / VSColorOutput

Color highlighting to Visual Studio's Build and Debug Output Windows
MIT License
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Feature Request: Suppress matching output? #84

Open nurbles opened 5 years ago

nurbles commented 5 years ago

For many of us, the debug output window has been flooded with "invalid parameter" messages from some Windows 10 iphlpapi.lib functions. I can set the color of those messages to match the background, but the line feeds still cause the useful output to scroll off the screen in a second or two. Is it possible for VSColorOutput to consume an output line without anything being written to the output window? If so, perhaps a special color ("none"?) could be assigned to trigger output suppression. This would be a huge help until Microsoft fixes the "invalid parameter" message and once it exists, I'm sure people will find more uses for it.

mike-ward commented 5 years ago

This request has come up before. Oddly, you can't suppress the line output in the VS output window. I've considered creating a second output window where VS could suppress output.