mike42 / escpos-php

PHP library for printing to ESC/POS-compatible thermal and impact printers
2.59k stars 863 forks source link

is it supporting SGT-88IV printer? #907

Open smarttvdev opened 4 years ago

smarttvdev commented 4 years ago

I need to buy SGT-88IV printer. This sdk is supporting SGT-88IV? This is the link in amazon site. https://www.amazon.ca/dp/B077P4QMCN/ref=sspa_dk_hqp_detail_aax_0?th=1

mike42 commented 4 years ago

Hi @BaiMaoLi,

It doesn't look like anybody has tested this library with an SGT-88IV yet, so I can't be certain that it will work. The good news is that the listing advertises ESC/POS support, so it's likely that you will get output for simple receipts using escpos-php.

I understand from a previous issue that you need to print in Korean, so the bad news is that this is going to be difficult to achieve on printers which do not already have some way of printing Korean characters.

If you are able to choose which printer to purchase, I would highly suggest a getting an Epson-branded printer. This project has some compatibility features which allow you to load CJK characters via ESC/POS "user-defined fonts", which I tested on an Epson TM-T20II.