mike4aday / SwiftlySalesforce

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Query with date predicate fail #138

Closed perbrondum closed 2 years ago

perbrondum commented 2 years ago

Simple Date SOQL statement fails in 9.0.6 "select name from account where lastmodifiedDate > 2023-01-01T12:00:00.000+0100"

fails with: "Query Error : SalesforceError(code: "MALFORMED_QUERY", message: "\nlastmodifiedDate > 2023-01-01T12:00:00.000 0100\n ^\nERROR at Row:2:Column:48\nline 2:48 no viable alternative at character \' \'", fields: nil)"

testcase: `// Fails in 9.06 BETA with date format @available(iOS 15.0.0, *) private func simpleDateQuery() async throws { DB.salesforce.identity().sink(receiveCompletion: { (completion) in switch completion { case .finished: break case let .failure(error) : print("Failed to login. Error: (error)") } }) { identity in let userId = identity.userID

    let userSoql = "select name from account where lastmodifiedDate > 2023-01-01T12:00:00.000+0100"
  //  print(userSoql)
    DB.salesforce.query(soql: userSoql).sink(receiveCompletion: { (completion) in
        switch completion {
        case let .failure(error):
            testResults[8] = "simpleDateQuery, Failure"
            testErrors[8] = error
            print("Failed query(8) SFDC. Error: \(error)")
        case .finished:
            testResults[8] = "simpleDateQuery, Success"
    }, receiveValue: { (userData : QueryResult<User>) in
    }).store(in: &subscriptions)
}.store(in: &subscriptions)


perbrondum commented 2 years ago
// Fails in 9.06 BETA with date format 
@available(iOS 15.0.0, *)
private func simpleDateQuery() async throws
    DB.salesforce.identity().sink(receiveCompletion: { (completion) in
        switch completion {
        case .finished:
        case let .failure(error) :
           print("Failed to login. Error: \(error)")
    }) { identity in
        let userId = identity.userID

        let userSoql = "select name from account where lastmodifiedDate > 2023-01-01T12:00:00.000+0100"
      //  print(userSoql)
        DB.salesforce.query(soql: userSoql).sink(receiveCompletion: { (completion) in
            switch completion {
            case let .failure(error):
                testResults[8] = "simpleDateQuery, Failure"
                testErrors[8] = error
                print("Failed query(8) SFDC. Error: \(error)")
            case .finished:
                testResults[8] = "simpleDateQuery, Success"
        }, receiveValue: { (userData : QueryResult<User>) in
        }).store(in: &subscriptions)
    }.store(in: &subscriptions)
mike4aday commented 2 years ago

@perbrondum the query will work if you use the date/time format YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZi.e. select name from account where lastmodifiedDate > 2023-01-01T11:00:00Z(adjusted to UTC).

Your original query also fails with the same error when I try it in Workbench's "REST Explorer," so I don't believe the problem lies within Swiftly Salesforce. Per the docs, the format you used is acceptable, but still only the above format works in Workbench.

mike4aday commented 2 years ago

@perbrondum -- sorry, disregard my last comment; it is indeed a bug in Swiftly Salesforce: I should have checked for "+" in the time zone offset and then URL-encoded it. For now, a workaround is to use UTC time format instead, i.e. YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ssZ


perbrondum commented 2 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply.

perbrondum commented 2 years ago

Using "YYYY-MM-ddThh:mm:ssZ" returns "2021-12-11T21:21:53+0000" which has the same problem.

perbrondum commented 2 years ago

Note that any query using predicate date qualifiers like LAST_N_DAYS:n will have the same issue.

mike4aday commented 2 years ago

Thanks @perbrondum - I will fix this. I'm working on the version 10, and don't know yet whether it'll be faster to fix it there or in a minor release of version 9.

mike4aday commented 2 years ago

Fixed in version 10.0.0