mikeage / stable-diffusion-aws

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Convert to Terraform #4

Open knuurr opened 7 months ago

knuurr commented 7 months ago

Hi, first I wanted to say thanks for awesome project. I think the way you laid it out is truly fascinating. Especially the idea of using spot instances. It allowed to have hours of fun with SD wehre normally I have no such chance due to not having necessary HW and high prices for managed solutions.

I wonder whether You'd be interested in covnerting the script to IaC format, probably Terraform. What do you think of that, maybe doo you work on that.

I'm currently learning Terraform and I thought I could volunteer in such intiative, had there been interest. One of potential benefits is that it would be less error prone than Bash script is now.

mikeage commented 7 months ago

Good Q.

I like TF for creating resources and the like, but a bit less (ok, a lot less) for software setup. Ansible is probably better for that, but honestly, I'm happier with shell scripts. Might be right, might be wrong, but that's me.

That said, if it helps you create a TF, I'm really glad to have helped!