mikeal / merge-release

Automatically release all merges to master on npm.
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consider version field in package.json #33

Open Gozala opened 3 years ago

Gozala commented 3 years ago

This is so awesome @mikeal!

I did however got caught by surprise. I have updated a library from 1.x to 2.x assuming that this would pick up the version field change, but it did not.

rom1504 commented 3 years ago

The objective of this action is to not do release commits, so it means the version from package.json is ignored and you must put BREAKING in the commit message to release a new version

Gozala commented 3 years ago

I understand that and I'm not asking for release commits. However ignoring entirely version in the package.json leads to errors like I described. I think it is reasonable to compare version in package.json vs derived new version and if use the max out of two.