mikeal / merge-release

Automatically release all merges to master on npm.
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question: Push the bumped npm version - does not work for me #6

Open ruscon opened 4 years ago

ruscon commented 4 years ago

See warnings https://github.com/goparrot/geocoder/runs/303064830#step:5:8

Is it because I have custom scripts?

        "prepublishOnly": "echo \"use 'npm run publish'\" && exit 1",
        "publish": "npm run build && node bin/prepublish.js && npm publish dist",
        "preversion": "npm run pre-commit",
        "version": "npm run changelog",
        "postversion": "git push && git push --tags"

If so, how can I make it work correctly with your plugin?

gabac commented 4 years ago

I encountered the same issue. The tag was pushed successfully though

mikeal commented 4 years ago

Could be the scripts, try disabling them all (you probably don’t need them if you’re automating the releases). There’s nothing obvious in the logs, this seems like a silent failure, so I’m just debugging in the dark a bit 😞