mikeal / node.couchapp.js

Utility for writing couchapps.
Apache License 2.0
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refactor interface between ./bin and ./main #105

Closed osher closed 9 years ago

osher commented 9 years ago

refactor interface between ./bin and ./main so that ./main can be required and used "programattically" to push apps as using JS code, and not CLI.

The motive for the PR is this project: https://github.com/osher/ddocs which currently has a manipulated copy of main.js, but I would love to discard it and use the original one, once if and when this PR is accepted. Disclaimer re. ddocs - although I have more work on the test suite and on the docs, the itself package is working and is used in our CI flow. However, since it does not contain any secret sauce - we decided to feature the utility as open source.

The essence of this PR is the changes I had to do on the copy of ./main.js in https://github.com/osher/ddocs, and the matching counterparts in ./bin.js

The PR is associated with the following issue: https://github.com/mikeal/node.couchapp.js/issues/104


osher commented 9 years ago

Mikael, can you please tell us if you see a time you could handle this?

mikeal commented 9 years ago

I don't actually use this module anymore but since this has been sitting with nobody commenting I'm going to just merge it :)

osher commented 9 years ago

Thanks man!

Does the merge publish a version to npm automatically?

I love this module and recommend it a lot. I offer my help you maintain it, if that's OK with you!