mikeal / node.couchapp.js

Utility for writing couchapps.
Apache License 2.0
406 stars 78 forks source link

Couchapp adds %5C to the start of every file #39

Closed mwmwmw closed 12 years ago

mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

After creating a new couchapp boiler, and pushing it to the server, I kept getting "file not found" errors.

I figured (and still do) that this is a virgin couch problem.. but I was able to sort out that the reason why the files were not found was because there was an escaped HTML "\" in the filename.

so if I typed in host:5984\myapp_design\myapp\index.html // file not founderror


if I added a %5c to the url, I'd get the file

host:5984\myapp_design\myapp\%5cindex.html // works


I'm using the latest version of Node (0.6.7) and the most recent version of Couchapp (0.9.0) and CouchDB version 1.1.1

Any thoughts?

mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

   "_id": "_design/intra",
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   "rewrites": [
           "from": "/",
           "to": "index.html"
           "from": "/api",
           "to": "../../"
           "from": "/api/*",
           "to": "../../*"
           "from": "/*",
           "to": "*"
   "views": {
   "validate_doc_update": "function (newDoc, oldDoc, userCtx) {   \n  if (newDoc._deleted === true && userCtx.roles.indexOf('_admin') === -1) {\n    throw \"Only admin can delete documents on this database.\";\n  } \n}",
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       "": {
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mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

Note the double slash in every URL.

mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

Uploading files via Futon works fine. I can build an app in Futon the very very scenic route this way and it works as it should.

mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

So, Iriscouch did the same thing as my local machine.. so it's not a localcouch db problem



I have no idea. I looked through the sourcecode for couchapps and I couldn't determine where these would get added.

mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

Fixed it.

Definitely a windows filepath issue.

I edited Main.Js of Couchapp and added this

f = f.replace(/\\/g, "/");

after this line

f = f.replace(att.root, att.prefix || '');

in the app.push section around Line 185

not sure what is the best way to actually fix this permanently. But it completely works.

mwmwmw commented 12 years ago

Here is my main.js in case someone needs a quick fix for this

var path = require('path')
  , sys = require('util')
  , fs = require('fs')
  , watch = require('watch')
  , request = require('request')
  , crypto = require('crypto')
  , mimetypes = require('./mimetypes')
  , spawn = require('child_process').spawn

var h = {'content-type':'application/json', 'accept-type':'application/json'}

 * Recursively load directory contents into ddoc
 * It's really convenient to see the main couchapp code in single file,
 * rather than mapped into little files in lots of directories like
 * the python couchapp. But there are definitely cases where we might want 
 * to use some module or another on the server side. This addition
 * loads file contents from a given directory (recursively) into a js 
 * object that can be added to a design document and require()'d in 
 * lists, shows, etc. 
 * Use couchapp.loadFiles() in app.js like this:
 *    ddoc = {
 *        _id: '_design/app'
 *      , views: {}
 *      , ...
 *      , lib: couchapp.loadFiles('./lib')
 *      , vendor: couchapp.loadFiles('./vendor')
 *    }
 * Optionally, pass in operators to process file contents. For example, 
 * generate mustache templates from jade templates.
 * In yourapp/templates/index.jade
 * !!!5
 * html
 *   head
 *     //- jade locals.title
 *     title!= title
 *   body
 *     .item
 *       //- mustache variable for server-side rendering
 *       h1 {{ heading }}
 * in yourapp/app.js
 * var couchapp = require('couchapp')
 *   , jade = require('jade')
 *   , options = {
 *       , operators: [
 *           function renderJade (content, options) {
 *             var compiler = jade.compile(content);
 *             return compiler(options.locals || {});
 *           }
 *         ]
 *       , locals: { title: 'Now we\'re cookin with gas!' }
 *   };
 * ddoc = { ... };
 * ddoc.templates = loadFiles(dir, options);

function loadFiles(dir, options) {
  var listings = fs.readdirSync(dir)
    , options = options || { replace: function(data){ return data.replace(/\\\\/g, "/")} }
    , obj = {};

  listings.forEach(function (listing) {
    var file = path.join(dir, listing)
      , prop = listing.split('.')[0] // probably want regexp or something more robust
      , stat = fs.statSync(file);

      if (stat.isFile()) { 
        var content = fs.readFileSync(file).toString();
        if (options.operators) {
          options.operators.forEach(function (op) {
            content = op(content, options);
        obj[prop] = content;
      } else if (stat.isDirectory()) {
        obj[listing] = loadFiles(file, options);

  return obj;

 * End of patch (also see exports and end of file)

function loadAttachments (doc, root, prefix) {
  doc.__attachments = doc.__attachments || []
  try {
  } catch(e) {
    throw e
    throw new Error("Cannot stat file "+root)
  doc.__attachments.push({root:root, prefix:prefix});

function copy (obj) {
  var n = {}
  for (i in obj) n[i] = obj[i];
  return n

function playSound () {
  spawn("/usr/bin/afplay", ["/System/Library/Sounds/Blow.aiff"]);

function createApp (doc, url, cb) {
  var app = {doc:doc}

  app.fds = {};

  app.prepare = function () {
    var p = function (x) {
      for (i in x) {
        if (i[0] != '_') {
          if (typeof x[i] == 'function') {
            x[i] = x[i].toString()
            x[i] = 'function '+x[i].slice(x[i].indexOf('('))
          if (typeof x[i] == 'object') {
    app.doc.__attachments = app.doc.__attachments || []
    app.doc.attachments_md5 = app.doc.attachments_md5 || {}
    app.doc._attachments = app.doc._attachments || {}

  var push = function (callback) {
    var doc = copy(app.doc);
    console.log("attachments", doc._attachments);
    doc._attachments = copy(app.doc._attachments)
    delete doc.__attachments;
    var body = JSON.stringify(doc);

    console.log('PUT '+url.replace(/^(https?:\/\/[^@:]+):[^@]+@/, '$1:******@'));
    request({uri:url, method:'PUT', body:body, headers:h}, function (err, resp, body) {
      if (err) throw err;
      if (resp.statusCode !== 201) throw new Error("Could not push document\n"+body)
      app.doc._rev = JSON.parse(body).rev
      console.log('Finished push. '+app.doc._rev)
      request({uri:url, headers:h}, function (err, resp, body) {
        body = JSON.parse(body);
        app.doc._attachments = body._attachments;
        if (callback) callback()

  app.push = function (callback) {
    var revpos
      , pending_dirs = 0

    var doc = app.current;
    for (i in app.doc) {
      if (i !== '_rev') doc[i] = app.doc[i]
    app.doc = doc;
    revpos = app.doc._rev ? parseInt(app.doc._rev.slice(0,app.doc._rev.indexOf('-'))) : 0;

    pending_dirs = app.doc.__attachments.length;
    app.doc.__attachments.forEach(function (att) {
      watch.walk(att.root, {ignoreDotFiles:true}, function (err, files) {
        var pending_files = Object.keys(files).length;
        for (i in files) { (function (f) {
          fs.readFile(f, function (err, data) {

            f = f.replace(att.root, att.prefix || '');
            f = f.replace(/\\/g, "/");

            if (f[0] == '/') f = f.slice(1)
            if (!err) {
              var d = data.toString('base64')
                , md5 = crypto.createHash('md5')
                , mime = mimetypes.lookup(path.extname(f).slice(1))
              md5 = md5.digest('hex')
              if (app.doc.attachments_md5[f] && app.doc._attachments[f]) {
                if (app.doc._attachments[f].revpos === app.doc.attachments_md5[f].revpos &&
                    app.doc.attachments_md5[f].md5 === md5) {
                  pending_files -= 1;
                  if(pending_files === 0){
                    pending_dirs -= 1;
                    if(pending_dirs === 0){
                  return; // Does not need to be updated.
              app.doc._attachments[f] = {data:d, content_type:mime};
              app.doc.attachments_md5[f] = {revpos:revpos + 1, md5:md5};
            pending_files -= 1
            if(pending_files === 0){
              pending_dirs -= 1;
              if(pending_dirs === 0){
    if (!app.doc.__attachments || app.doc.__attachments.length == 0) push(callback);

  app.sync = function (callback) {
    // A few notes.
    //   File change events are stored in an array and bundled up in to one write call., 
    // this reduces the amount of unnecessary processing as we get a lof of change events.
    //   The file descriptors are stored and re-used because it cuts down on the number of bad change events.
    //   And finally, we check the md5 and only push when the document is actually been changed.
    //   A lot of crazy workarounds for the fact that we basically get an event every time someone
    // looks funny at the underlying files and even reading and opening fds to check on the file trigger
    // more events.

    app.push(function () {
      var changes = [];
      console.log('Watching files for changes...')
      app.doc.__attachments.forEach(function (att) {
        var pre = att.root
        if (pre[pre.length - 1] !== '/') pre += '/';
        watch.createMonitor(att.root, {ignoreDotFiles:true}, function (monitor) {
          monitor.on("removed", function (f, stat) {
            f = f.replace(pre, '');
            changes.push([null, f]);
          monitor.on("created", function (f, stat) {
            changes.push([f, f.replace(pre, ''), stat]);
          monitor.on("changed", function (f, curr, prev) {
            changes.push([f, f.replace(pre, ''), curr]);
      var check = function () {
        var pending = 0
          , revpos = parseInt(app.doc._rev.slice(0,app.doc._rev.indexOf('-')))
          , dirty = false
        if (changes.length > 0) {
          changes.forEach(function (change) {
            if (!change[0]) {
              delete app.doc._attachments[change[1]];
              dirty = true;
              console.log("Removed "+change[1]);
            } else {
              pending += 1

              fs.readFile(change[0], function (err, data) {
                var f = change[1]
                  , d = data.toString('base64')
                  , md5 = crypto.createHash('md5')
                  , mime = mimetypes.lookup(path.extname(f).slice(1))

                md5 = md5.digest('hex')
                pending -= 1
                if (!app.doc.attachments_md5[f] || (md5 !== app.doc.attachments_md5[f].md5) ) {
                  app.doc._attachments[f] = {data:d, content_type:mime};
                  app.doc.attachments_md5[f] = {revpos:revpos + 1, md5:md5};
                  dirty = true;
                  console.log("Changed "+change[0]);
                if (pending == 0 && dirty) push(function () {dirty = false; setTimeout(check, 50)})
                else if (pending == 0 && !dirty) setTimeout(check, 50)


          changes = []
          if (pending == 0 && dirty) push(function () {dirty = false; setTimeout(check, 50)})
          else if (pending == 0 && !dirty) setTimeout(check, 50)
        } else {
          setTimeout(check, 50);
      setTimeout(check, 50)
  var _id = doc.app ? doc.app._id : doc._id

  if (url.slice(url.length - _id.length) !== _id) url += '/' + _id;

  request({uri:url, headers:h}, function (err, resp, body) {
    if (err) throw err;
    if (resp.statusCode == 404) app.current = {};
    else if (resp.statusCode !== 200) throw new Error("Failed to get doc\n"+body)
    else app.current = JSON.parse(body)

exports.createApp = createApp
exports.loadAttachments = loadAttachments
exports.bin = require('./bin')
exports.loadFiles = loadFiles
yblee85 commented 6 years ago

at line of 185, where next line of f = f.replace(att.root, att.prefix || '');

if (f[0] == '/') f = f.slice(1)

==> if (f[0] === '/' || f[0] === '\\') f = f.slice(1)

for some machines f[0] is '\\'